叫 Cru Bourgeois 囉,得小小木味無其他,話有80分喎。
不過見到 "vigneron independant" 呢個字,之前有人話比老鬼知係"手採"咁解,看圖識字!?錯曬啦!!!
原來 vigneron independant
Vignerons Indépendent
Look out for the label!
Look out for this logo on wine bottles in France . It shows that the wine producer belongs to the syndicate of 'Vignerons Indépendants' (independent wine producers) and has grown, harvested and produced all their own wine.
What is the Vignerons Indépendent label?
"It's an association which does a lot to encourage best practice in wine production, and people can be sure that bottles with its logo really come from individual producers who control all aspects of their production.
In France, as in most wine producing countries, there are independent producers, often fairly small, but also the négociants, who buy young wine and/or grapes from growers, and (especially in France), the cooperatives, who take the grapes grown by their members and carry out the winemaking and the marketing. The négociants and the cooperatives represent a large part of the French wine industry and the best of them produce some excellent wines, and are often leaders in improving techniques. On the other hand, the independent winemakers, many of whom are members of the Vignerons Indépendants, offer a vast choice of individual wines, and the attraction of buying from a small producer whom you can meet and ask about any aspect of the wine you are buying.
叫 Cru Bourgeois 囉,得小小木味無其他,話有80分喎。
不過見到 "vigneron independant" 呢個字,之前有人話比老鬼知係"手採"咁解,看圖識字!?錯曬啦!!!
原來 vigneron independant
Vignerons Indépendent
Look out for the label!
Look out for this logo on wine bottles in France . It shows that the wine producer belongs to the syndicate of 'Vignerons Indépendants' (independent wine producers) and has grown, harvested and produced all their own wine.
What is the Vignerons Indépendent label?
"It's an association which does a lot to encourage best practice in wine production, and people can be sure that bottles with its logo really come from individual producers who control all aspects of their production.
In France, as in most wine producing countries, there are independent producers, often fairly small, but also the négociants, who buy young wine and/or grapes from growers, and (especially in France), the cooperatives, who take the grapes grown by their members and carry out the winemaking and the marketing. The négociants and the cooperatives represent a large part of the French wine industry and the best of them produce some excellent wines, and are often leaders in improving techniques. On the other hand, the independent winemakers, many of whom are members of the Vignerons Indépendants, offer a vast choice of individual wines, and the attraction of buying from a small producer whom you can meet and ask about any aspect of the wine you are buying.